Have A Powerful Vision To Share?


That self-leadership is the only true leadership and ultimately we are always leading outselves with Dr. Ritter

Vision Pros Live Podcast by Jackson Calame | October 25, 2023

That self-leadership is the only true leadership and ultimately we are always leading outselves.

Tune in to learn about Ritter's vision for that self-leadership is the only true leadership and ultimately we are always leading ourselves

Benjamin Ritter

During my undergraduate degree I was personally, professionally, and socially lost. If I was to pick one thing that caused this time of my life, it would be that I decided to live a life toward one goal. I found my “purpose” and went for it, but in the process of going for it I didn’t care about anything or anyone else, and then I failed. My tunnel vision led me down a path that ignored my personal and professional health. I missed out on creating positive and strong relationships, on learning how to be social in different situations, on how to choose the right partners, and how to make the right choices for my life overall. This truly low point highlighted how important mindset and harmony were in just feeling “good” and fulfilled with yourself, and motivated me to dive into the fields of interpersonal development, mental health, social psychology, and work towards self-improvement. I had enough of feeling the way I did, and it needed to change, I needed to change.

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